Friday, 17 August 2007

Oh, Kitchen

Oh Kitchen, my Kitchen.

Why can't you please be ready for joyful cooking?
Wok, Pasta, Fish and vegetarian things

Now You're just unhappy looking,
refusing to fly on your culinaric wings

Could it be You are angry with me?

Could it be You are not satisfied?

Aha, You miss your IKEAn clothing?
Sitting there in naked sorrow

Then I say; stop you worrying
Cause you, I will dress up tomorrow

Oh, The time will be ours for lustful dance
with knives and forks and frying pans

We will sit at the table and eat with joy
Sushi, ginger and mushroom soy

Oh Kitchen, my Kitchen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ha ha ja, skön helt enkelt.. Men de vet ja ju redan att du kan...sä ja ä junte fövånad...