Friday, 28 September 2007

Military sucking

The military leadership in Burma sucks.
I firmly believe military leaders suck wherever they are, but for the moment the Burmese version is topping the list Military-Leaders-That-Sucks-Overwhelmingly-Hard.

Should it be so fecking hard to be, like, nice to other people?


I'm sinking deeper in the (for me) new Marvel universe. I've been reading Phoenix Endsong, Ultimate Galactus and other stuff. It's not bad at all.
The peciller on Phoenix, Greg Land, is pretty awsome. Ok, many female characters looks the same and sort of posed.... Like waiting for some Viagra pumped fellah. But nevertheless, the artwork is very good.
One day I'm gonna draw the X-Men. That would be nice.
You hear that, Marvel?
But for that to happen, I must draw some Comics.
You hear that, unfinished apartment?

Monday, 24 September 2007

Le Table

"Drawing Table", "Drafting Table", "Drafting board/table/station/whatever"... It's hard to find a fecking table thats not wide as a football field and heavy as an oil tanker. And when you find it, you must pay a thousand million to get it shipped to Sweden from the states.
I don't have a thousand million. Not even if I could pay it in braincells...

But what the helf, It's not the table that draws. I could be drawing on the kitchen table, and break my back in the process.

Nevertheless, I still dream of making a career as a comic artist. And how do I do it? well, you could start from the bottom and draw, like, Lilla Fridolf is Sweden or you could go directly to the top and show your stuff. Wich I intend to do.
This is a starter:

I do hope I can get a couple of smashing pages to show before Januari.

And for someone interested in comics, this page is very good:

And if you think comics sucks and wanna go for football (soccer) bonanza, there is only one team to follow:

So,there you have it.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Welcome my girl.

Been away for a while... It seems our kid was tired of hanging around inside my girlfriend.


Welcome Hedda, our daughter. Born August 29. She is extremely cool. And loud when she wants food. Cilia, the mother, is also extremely cool. I'm very proud of them both.
And very happy.

I haven't read a comic in two weeks. Nor have I read any news about them. I'm totally lost after two weeks. That's not cool.