Friday, 28 September 2007

Military sucking

The military leadership in Burma sucks.
I firmly believe military leaders suck wherever they are, but for the moment the Burmese version is topping the list Military-Leaders-That-Sucks-Overwhelmingly-Hard.

Should it be so fecking hard to be, like, nice to other people?


I'm sinking deeper in the (for me) new Marvel universe. I've been reading Phoenix Endsong, Ultimate Galactus and other stuff. It's not bad at all.
The peciller on Phoenix, Greg Land, is pretty awsome. Ok, many female characters looks the same and sort of posed.... Like waiting for some Viagra pumped fellah. But nevertheless, the artwork is very good.
One day I'm gonna draw the X-Men. That would be nice.
You hear that, Marvel?
But for that to happen, I must draw some Comics.
You hear that, unfinished apartment?

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