Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Welcome my girl.

Been away for a while... It seems our kid was tired of hanging around inside my girlfriend.


Welcome Hedda, our daughter. Born August 29. She is extremely cool. And loud when she wants food. Cilia, the mother, is also extremely cool. I'm very proud of them both.
And very happy.

I haven't read a comic in two weeks. Nor have I read any news about them. I'm totally lost after two weeks. That's not cool.


Anonymous said...

And I think you´re cool. There you have it!!
it´s no need to be sorry for your lost comic news. I havn´t read for yearszz..
If you want to have a hot tip.. READ FANTOMEN!! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, this is a series of congratulations for Mattan's blogblog. The first one for the new girl in town, Cilia, viva la vida!
Second one for the random concept of the blog, it reminds me the "stop making sense" of Talking Head´s Byrne.
The third one, that my almost 2 year old son is watching the blog and he´s smiling a lot. And you know him, his name is Teo, he was born in Mexico, he's half swedish and he claims to be your godson, "felicidades padrrrrino por tu nueva hijaaaaa!"
And the last one, i totally agree that anatomy and storytelling are basic structure for good comics (human body is a non stop wonder) caulliflowers are for cooking.
Your Compadrrre Alberto

Anonymous said...

TUSEN GRATTIS till Heddapluttan! Teo hälsar och säger att han vill ha KORT - och många!
KRAMAR till hela familjen, men kanske mest till Cilia...