Wednesday 22 August 2007


I stopped reading comics in the early nineties... the American comics were undergoing a change that I didn't like. Many artists started to draw heroes in an new style (which, in itself shouldn't be bad), they didn't care about anatomy, didn't care about good storytelling, didn't care about drawing realistic ears... Everything was just Action. ACTION. Fast pacing, speed lines, speedlines, speedlines, tendons and veins lying outside and over the whole body.
And then there was these bad ears.
Everyone having Cauliflower ears.

I stopped buying (action) comics.

This summer I came in contact with some new Marvel stuff. This was really good.
The storytelling was good - a mix of slow pace and action - the drawings and coloring was awsome. They have done some brave things with the universe. And I like it. Mucho.
Civil War. World War Hulk. Peter Parker going public. Killing Cap'n A...
Great stuff.

I have also discovered the new breed of artist, like Nguyen, McNiven (good with ears), Bianchi, Immonen, Charest , Cheung, Francis Yu and many more. And this is only the Marvel people.

Travis Charest have developed an interesting European/South American style which has always been the thing for me (being an European myself). Like Moebius, Gimenéz, Hermann, Bilal and others. It is going to be extremely intreresting to see if Mr. Charest is using at least part of this style going back to sequential art on Marvel.
Sure hope so. American (action) comics could use som other influences than Manga.

Well, going non European, non American, non whatsoever, I've done a Captain America for fun.

Tuesday 21 August 2007

The Mysterious Dothead

I thought I was going to show some serious drawings here on the BlogBlog.
It seems to be otherwise for the moment.

Nevertheless. I read part of a Wolverine story last night. It was crappy.
So, instead of a drawing on Wolverine, I'm posting a drawing of a guy with a dot on his head.

Below: The bloke with the dot on his head.

Monday 20 August 2007

Tummy Turmoil

The baby is on it's way. It's moving around in there.
You can see it.

I am starting to get a little nervous. Is it a boy or a girl? Is it gonna be the calm type or the wild one? Is it blond with blue eyes or is it the dark haired, brown eyed type?
Is it gonna be an artist when grown up or a professor in microastro-thing-physicbiology-ora?

He/She is sure gonna be cool anyway.

Me vs Apartment

I am living in a warzone.

The many battles is taking a toll on me, and the apartment is launching wave after wave of things to do on me...
But I am starting to win the battles.

I will win this war.

I will prevail.

I am going to live in it!

Friday 17 August 2007

Oh, Kitchen

Oh Kitchen, my Kitchen.

Why can't you please be ready for joyful cooking?
Wok, Pasta, Fish and vegetarian things

Now You're just unhappy looking,
refusing to fly on your culinaric wings

Could it be You are angry with me?

Could it be You are not satisfied?

Aha, You miss your IKEAn clothing?
Sitting there in naked sorrow

Then I say; stop you worrying
Cause you, I will dress up tomorrow

Oh, The time will be ours for lustful dance
with knives and forks and frying pans

We will sit at the table and eat with joy
Sushi, ginger and mushroom soy

Oh Kitchen, my Kitchen!

Thursday 16 August 2007


I'm at work.
I don't dare taking more time off from Dice to fix at home.

Therefore I have become a slave owner.

My father Pierre (slave one) and my friend Joakim (slave two) is at home, right this moment, helping us with the kitchen and some radiators an shit.

They are my heroes right now.


Below is a drawing of another hero; Daredevil. And his foe Bullseye. The DD character is very cool and very "Marvel".
It's a shame Affleck and the guys slaughtered, gutted, burned, bullied and fxxked the character in the movie. They should officially apologize to the world.

Still, it was fun to watch. Sometimes megabad films is the best. with a couple of beers.
A total crapfest.

Another total crapfest is that he was named "Våghalsen" when published in sweden in the beginning of the eighties.

Monday 13 August 2007

Mazzucchelli and Wallpapers

Batman Year One. David Mazzucchelli. One of the best.

I simply adore the drawings in that book. David can use somewhere between one and three lines to get a perfect facial expression on anyone. I wanna be able to do that!

But what the heck, this weekend we got some wallpapers in our bedroom, thanks to my girlfriend and her mother. Thats very nice.
I was fixing a floor. That's almost like drawing comics except theres sweat, a sour back, dust, machinery, very loud sounds, big plaster floorboards and cursing involved.

Heres a drawing of my loved one.

Thursday 9 August 2007

No draw! Tiles!

Pheu. Today the last tiles in the bathroom was placed. It's a nice bathroom. A nice empty bathroom with a hole in the floor just eagerly waiting for a porcelain throne.

My dreams of only one or two hours at the drawing table is... just dreams. For now. But soon... soon, I will draw a diversity of muscular figures. And with a vengeance! I almost have all that I need; Excellent paper, pens, ideas, inspiration...
What I don't have is time. The invention of time is a bad invention.
Time sucks.


(Yes, I know it's feeble to write "soon" when it comes to drawing. I suppose I'm not going to get loaded with free time when the baby comes.)

Wednesday 8 August 2007


On a chair. In a meter high layer of dust and garbage in an apartement just halfway through a renovation. I'm counting on finishing it in two weeks.
In Three weeks my first kid is estimated to be born.

That's a cool deadline.